Monotype Lydian
Tribunus SG
Warren Chappell was the original designer of this handsome pen-formed roman typeface introduced by the Stempel Foundry in 1939. It was cast in Germany as Trajanus and named after the Roman emperor ...
Linotype Trajanus
Warren Chappell named his font after the Roman emperor Trajanus, who ruled in the first century AD. The Roman capitals on Trajanus’ memorial combined with the lower case style from the time of ...
Lydian Cursive
Lydian is Warren Chappell’s almost calligraphic sanserif, designed for ATF in 1938. Lydian Cursive, done by Chappell in 1940, is much freer and more calligraphic. Life is a journey.
Lydian is Warren Chappell’s almost calligraphic sanserif, designed for ATF in 1938. Lydian Cursive, done by Chappell in 1940, is much freer and more calligraphic.