

Punctual was designed by creating a gid of dots and then connecting them. The name, Punctual, is derived from the German word for "point", which is punkt. The lines that connect the dots are the same ...

New Clear Era

New Clear Era

New Clear Era is part of a large ongoing project investigating classicism and legibility. The regular version is the base font. Numerous permutations will be performed on this underlying skeleton. ...

Armature Neue

Armature Neue

Armature Neue is an extension and clarification of the original Armature family released in 1997. We made the distribution of weights more even, and added italics extra light and black weights. ...

Armature Neue Sans

Armature Neue Sans

Armature Neue Sans is an extension of the original Armature Neue family released in 2010. Like Armature Neue, Armature Neue Sans consists of six weights with accompanying italics. Armature is one ...

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