

Axplat is the first in a family of grunge, deconstructed, messed-up type faces. It has Euro and almost all the special characters.

Body Copy Sans Pro

Body Copy Sans Pro

This new OpenType pro family has four members so far with 473 characters and glyphs each. It is a redrawing of Albe Sans, which has been found to be very readable, elegant, and extremely useful for ...

Bergsland Pro

Bergsland Pro

This new OpenType pro family has four members so far with 588 characters and glyphs each. It is a redrawing of Diaconia Old Style, which has been worked hard and found to be very readable, elegant, ...

Jargon Pro

Jargon Pro

This new OpenType pro font has 468 characters and glyphs. It is a massive redrawing of AeroScript. I have added nearly four dozen ligatures, small caps, oldstyle figures, small cap figures, and more.

Stylish Font for brand, print & design | StylishFont